Three things that scare me:
- A dead cold freaking bloody body with the hair covering it's head!!
- Cockroaches
- when Someone really close to me is really gone...
- God-duh~
- everything that got to do with Music
- My family + frens
Three things I don't understand:
- How do ancient ppl build Pyramids?? ( same like ster's )
- Why do bad guys exist
- How the universe is form
- Be a successful human
- Kiss someone really famous( har har )
- travel to Taiwan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Natural humans daily stuffy (ex:- sleep , eat, shit, walk, run and all )
- Kinda do a left split + cart wheel
- Play the piano
- Friendly
- loves music, and those normal girl thing ( shop, hangout ...bla bla bla )
- pee upside down (sick)
- A full side split
- kiss any guy nxt to me ( cuz that's super gross and wrong@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Anyone who have a blog
- junmey
- hui min
- erin..
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