Wednesday, July 2, 2008

* Freezing *

I kinda ❤ science experiment~!

Today..when I went to school..I started doing my stuff then went down with my presentation file in case when I come back up . Pn J calls my name and ask me to do the presentation ..

so when i came up..the first thing I saw in my class is Pn LEE !!! weeeeeeeeeeee
it means Pn J didn't come..super happy~!
So I finished some of my homework...
watch the boys play Chinese chess.. then went for science

Today..teacher wants us to do the freezing point of water..
and make the ice freeze like ice

so me , ting n ster paired up
and started doing the experiment with ultra care

first it goes from room temperature - 29°c to 10°c
then it goes to 0 ° then -3 °c

we thought it haven't frozen
but it is already in the process of freezing
the thing is..I keep touching the thermometer
to check
and we're not suppose to touch it

the Esther added alot of salt into it
alot as in xtra 2 table spoon

then it got really frozen i guess
the outer layer of the beaker is covered with a very very thin layer of snow thing
and it's beautiful !!!

then when teacher told us to take it up and see
we took up the test tube containing the thermometer stuck frozenly not moving
and took up the test tube

then we still wanna continue
so...we keep putting until really need to clean up that time

so we took the test tube
and I just hold the tip of the thermometer
and pulled it out
and it's like a Popsicle

super awesome la..

and after that, got seni
painted some stuffy
a very hard thingi but fun
then moral
then maths
pn Roselinda was with the students in SMK BU for the maths quiz
so 2 free period
4 free period in one day
har har

and the stupid fucking thing is
maths teacher gave us latihan
so we lazy to do
then me + ting went down to photostat for them the other 3
while they're playing chinese chess

then when we went down with Pn mastura's pass
there's no one in the book shop
we went in the book shop cuz the gate not close
then we waited like around 8 mins out side
Zhen Rong from 2 P was there too
and we're ike waiting soooooooooooo long for that assy lady

and at last she came
then she say siapa buka pintu?
I say tak ada ar..
or else she's gonna accuse us for stealing
as if we would
shit her la
and we were so fustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then when we went back to class
Ms wendy's in there
and we have to return the pass to Pn mastura
so we ask them to exchange us
cuz we're tired
and we're doing stuff for them le
so unfair
so esther help me
and that stupid fucking annoying shee mei so 543 ( in cantonese )
so tak mahu kalah
then didn't even bother
so wei ting went with esther
i was like so angry for wei ting
not i hate wei ting
is angry for her sacrifices
and stupid piggy shee mei

shuen wanted to go
but then weiting just went out

i dunno why is there such annoying + fucking + shity + all the garbage attitude person ????


gd bye
p/s : i'm really angry so pls ignore the F words