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okay.. i haven't been blogging for like a week++ ?
It's bcuz I'm in my grandparents' hse since last Sunday..21st i guess...But i came back on mon morning , back at night till a week later gone back then night come back to my grandparents' hse.
It's because my grandma got really sick on Sunday, got hospitalised on Mon morning, then me n sis n dad went back after visiting her in hospital. My 3 younger siblings are in wushu camp till Tues evening.
Grandma passed away on wednesday morning around 1am something...
Christmas Eve~!!!!
Prayed starting from the 3rd day.. which is Friday..
Been spending time with my cousins. some which I nvr speak to b4 .. It's kinda an advantage of all this kind of family thing..
U get to meet ur cousins.
Anyway.. I'm just posting a little now. Details later~!!!
Plus lotz of picz. My cous actually wanted to start a facebook abt the Yee family~!! Hope it's alive.
Happy New Year~!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year~!
Posted by La Fern at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My cousin came on saturday.. Janice And Charline
Posted by La Fern at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My Birthday
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Yesterday was my birthday. And today's my aunt's.
19th and 20th. Lols.
In the morning, my aunt came after singapore from Belgium. this time, she didn't bring chocolates from belgium. So around the afternoon, my aunt, mum and cous went shopping while i went for my music replacement at 4pm.
They were late to pick me up cuz my on the way to the carpark, my aunt bought stuff on the way there. so they were really late. she bought lotz of food that she haven't eaten since the last time she came. and when I went into the car. she gave me a box of Belgium chocolate that she bought from the Cocoa tree. U should really see her iPhone. damn nice.White in colour. It's her Birthday pressent for her Bf.
Erm..so we were invited to my uncle's hse for BBQ . And also like hse warming.
B4 going there, we stopped at a bakery to get cakes. 1 of it is a Tiramisu -yum yum. and American chocolate-chocolicious!
when we reach, we were greeted and my 4th aunt shook my hand and wish me. and the funny thing is that my cousin say that i'm like VIP. come down from the car then got ppl shake hands with me. lols
we were kinda late, so just eat what's left of the BBQ and steamboat.
Went to explore with my bro sis n cousin.hui xin. she' s like 6 or 7 but she's really Dong Shi. she knows stuff , and she can speak cantonese hockkien chinese...fluently. i can't even speak hockkien n cantonese well. she's very independent.
I like the spiral stairs up to the attic/computer room. and the balcony. we're able to see the view of the KL tower and KLCC for up there. so.. we're like planning to go there on New year's eve to see the fire works.
then time to cut cake. snad the song, bla bla bla eat cake. celebrated at around 11 something. cuz if count using the chinese time. 11 something is like midnight. so we celebrate at midnight. so it's one after the other. so it's 19th n 20th. damn happy n tired. the cake was really nice.
Got many many pressies. from ster , my aunt, my bro n sis.Shuen haven't give
thx to STER for ur lovely early gift and ur post for me.
thx to my family for wishing me.
- my bro for giving me 4 bottles of mNm's minis chocolate
- my 3rd sis for giving me chocolate..erm..something with apple filling inside
- my elder sis for givning me a shirt - one day b4 christmas. lolx and she got one for herself - i'll be back for christmas
- my youngest sis for erm..some box thingi with stars of something.
my mum wanted to give me a watch since i don't have one. but i dunno which to choose so i refuse la
Posted by La Fern at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Help !
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I dunno what happened?! I can't sign into my MSN ! I thought only through the laptop. because my sis can't sign in through the laptop too. But I didn't know that I can't sign in through the com too. HOW? Tell me!
Posted by La Fern at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
This morning, went out for badminton. suppose to be 10am. so we reached there and my mum didn't see teacher's car. Then ONLY check her hp. Always like that one. Next time must remind her to check b4 any class. Teacher did msg and postponed the time to 11am.
so we went to the LIBRARY!! I renewed my card to secondary level although i should have done that like 2 years ago?? It's really early for anyone to go to the library. There's like only 4 ppl upstairs. So i just walk around and look around. it's so cool and cold. Too quiet. heh. at last I just lend 2 novels. princess in the Spotlight and dawson's creek. Then went 4 badminton.And saw ster too.
I'm currently reading Just In Case. It's about this boy name David case. He is trying to change the fate he has. so he changed his personality, looks, outfit. And also changed his name to Justin Case. When he corrected the teacher, the teacher said Just in Case?? It's actually true. Such a coincidence.His name is changed so just in case to avoid the fate.
Posted by La Fern at 11:48 PM 0 comments
I think i am real sick, kept sneezing. I miss hangouts!!!!!
Well.can't wait till Friday~! big Big day!!! cuz.. it's.. MY BIRTHDAY !
Guess what? My piano teacher brought forward my piano class to 11am. and I'm suppose to follow my mum to the shop first cuz my father needs to go 4 dentist check up. I got ready and eve't make it. so , i got ready and everything, went into the car, with my music bag, then only my mum told me that she tried to postpone the class but my teacher can't make it and that she wants me to help in the shop. UGH!!
早不说!气死我了。heheh. using the laptop to blog. so use chinese.
i kinda love DAncing. just freestyle lor. It's totally relaxing . I want to watch that new doggy movie. Beverly Hills something..?
argh.. Tomorrow got badminton ar.
It's kinda fun. except for those funny exercise.not the tecnique .
I dare not to collect my report card leh..
Posted by La Fern at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Movies and Dramas !
Posted by La Fern at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
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My Singapore cousins came! They went to Genting on Sunday. Not us.
On Monday, we planned to go for ice skating but it turned out that only the 4 of us went to skate.My aunt didn't let them skate. anyway..it was a really great reunion thingi. We skate until our legs are so sore. I found out the if you're tired.just stop on the ice. don't move . And after a minute your legs will be fine. Cause I went out only once at the last 15 mins. Once I got out of the rink only I feel the pain. till I get back on ice.
could u believe?
My bro drop.that is normal but when i helped him out.I dropped too. It wasn't embarrassing but it was before they resurface the ice. so it's puddlely. . and when i wanted to get up. I fell AGAIN!. The right side of my right leg is wet. Cold too.lol.
then went for dinner at tropicana seafood.Have two tables. There's 16 of us. THey have all those little birds, rabbit ,fish. so awesome. A small little zoo! My cousin is soo cute!. anyway. they are going back today.
love it
Posted by La Fern at 7:43 AM 0 comments
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been reading alot this holidays. It's just so super awesome.
right after exam, i reread Harry Potter bk 6 and then at the last day of school I lent twilight.
so that's already 2 books. then I decided to continue to the 7th Harry Potter book. It was awesome. I had always love last books.
Then moved on to New Moon and eclipse within a week?
that makes 4 .
then off to breaking Dawn. awesomely fasinating extremely interesting and lovely!!
my bro n sis also ought books but not as thick as mine. har har.
then i read my sis's camp rock #2.
then I bought quite alot of books in popular that day. some 50% novels. Just took at random cause it's all piled differently. HOw do you expect to look for a set or something??
Currently reading Jill Mansell's Solo. So that's 7 books!. shit.
anyway.. I find this book quite teenage romance novel.
It's about this girl name Tessa , knowing this Ross guy is kinda of a playboy and also a hotel manager. Seriously dangerous to be with. But had U know what la. then didn't meet him again. he got a special feeling towards her . Not like all the other women he'd slept with lor. then long story. lols. quite nice lor.
Posted by La Fern at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Another day..
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as usual, on thurs, I will go for violin in 1U.
ya..then guess what?
when i was walking there. I saw someone familiar.
it's jeanette-the B*tch.
she was with another guy. but i didn't want to look at her again. N i thought it's going to be some other ppl form other school. as in like she date 2 guys at once.
everyone in the school knows her stupid B*tchy stories. she's bossy.
oh n then..when we walk past each other. then i glance up and it's Choon Wei. Eww..Ididn't know their relationship so damn long. I thought she's gonna ditch him or something. haiz. sick couple. ewwwwwwwwww
Posted by La Fern at 4:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Twilight-movie, concert
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Hmmm..Yesterday (fri), My sis took me out to watch twilight!!!
First went to but tickets. It's all quite full. no choice lor. need to sit at row G.
Then, went to eat Sushi with her friend penny. Waited for her damn long.
Ate quite alot of Sushi and cold green tea!! He kept refilling the cups.
Anyway..then went in to the GSC.
I was thinking abt all the nice parts b4. as in last night.
I think that the movie moves too fast. don't you?
But of course for those who didn't read , then dunno la.
But i like it anyway.
I love how they play baseball. lol
And the tracker part.
Pepper spray. ~~~~
I love Alice. She's just so awesome.
I love the part where they TRIED to cook lunch for Bella.
just so awesome. most of the time. I was explaining to my sis. she blur blur.
Once we came out from the cinema, faster went to the toilet. DRANK TOO MUCH TEA. =)
then went back and changed to concert thing.
Went there at 5pm. to damansara palace
went to rehearsal, really on stage. talk with the bunch. real fun to be with them.try to do funny things. add weird props.
there's like alot of thing for our BANDAR UTAMA BUDDHIST SCHOOL concert. (BUBS)
like there's
-group performance from classes
-solo with accompaniment
-choir singing - sunrise comes ( ya that's ours )
-dancing queen
-Finale( which is us too )
so went to put make up. eat. bla bla bla.
then really start le.
Our performances are like at the end so like very bored.
but luckily they played some movies in the waiting area.
we watched madagascar.then hair spray.
I kinda think hair spray is too weird.
anyway..then some of us need to help in the small dressing room next to the stage.
so hang around there alot.
At last, when it's our turn. we sang more formally. and then they gave us time to add the seventies look for our finale. ABBA MEDLEY.
luckily Jun yen brought many broad hairbands. which really made everything looks more seventies. so I took one.
Ohya, we brought sheds though. so we just put it on la. jia wei added fishing hat. pulled up his jeans aand everything. lol.
and all look funky. all last minit additional stuff.
And it was a BLAST!!!
here are the lyrics. teacher changed some and . all together 3 songs 4 the finale
I have a dream A song to sing
to help me cope with anything.
If you see the wonder of a fairytale
you could take the future even if you fail
i believe in Devas
something good in everything i see
I believe in Devas
when I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream I have a dream
-------- -------- --------- -------- --------
Mama mia Here I go again
My my what am i to do
Mama mia Here I go again
my my why must i be so blue
yes i have heard the DHARMA
live shoudn't be a drama.
Why why did i let it get to me
mama mia now i really know
my my the truth if for you and me
------------- -------------- ---------------
So.. I say
thank you for the dharma
the hope you're giving
thanks for all the joy you're bringing
who can live without it
I ask with all honesty
what would I be
without a hope or a chance what are we
so.. I say
thank you for the dharma
for giving it to me
So.. I.. Say..
thank you for the dharma
for giving it to ME..
ya..n guess what? i saw wen yang there. dunno why he's there.
Posted by La Fern at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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Yesterday was the 1st badminton lesson.
It was kinda fun.
This coach isn't our coach. he replace our coach because The coach have some family thing.
Could U believe? First class, and the coach wasn't there. Anyway..warm up.
he made us run 10 rounds. my sis was kinda not feeling well.
so i ran 10 rounds, sis coulnd't really finish. the other two leh.. go for swimming lessons also no use.
half way then gave up.
First he split us into 2 groups, kinda obvious.
and then started training the other 2, while me n sis just play.
he wants us to hit high ball, then he go single single.
He made me hit the shuttle hard and high..20times??
then next..we keep taking turns lor.
next try hiting..fine!! i dunno how to explain.
but not so torturing.
then after time's up.
he say: 'time for execise'
He put 7 shuttle in line at two sides.
split us up.
so me n youngest sis. and the other two.
and then he wanted us to run foward , take the shuttle and then run backwards and put it down. until finish.
then the second pair put it back.
WE DID IT TWICE!!!! so torturing.
then he said "WARM DOWN"
I can really feel the heat coming out. yish.
my face, as u know.. will get read easily.
so it gone all red! like a tomato. so me n youngest sis went to the toilet. on the fan thing
then tidy our hair.
Went to my dad's shop. didn't really want to show my face out in public
still red!
then went to makan. ate fast fast then went back to the shop. at that time the redness reduced le.
and.. that's my day lo.
Posted by La Fern at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Score for the song
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Omg. I found the score. so it's easier to play lor. than to listen and play.
for ster:http://www.scribd.com/doc/7702528/River-Flows-in-You-Yiruma
Posted by La Fern at 8:52 PM 0 comments
River Flows In You
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Ster, this song is really nice. lol.
I tried it out on the piano.
It's really relaxing.
Yamaha concert coming up. Around January gua..
cuz the hall is fully book. well that means more time to practice .
Playing solo and 2 duet.
SOlo leh.. I don't really really fancy that song. but still ok la.
The duet pieces are nice.
but duet is really really hard. as in need to wait. let the melody come out. coordinate.
going 4 badminton tomorrow.
hope it's fun lor
Posted by La Fern at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Posted by La Fern at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
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well.. today was totally weird la..first of all..I need to go to some rehearsal for crab dance..at 10am!!
and so embarrassing. we have to wait like half an hour.. I saw two of my ex-classmates there..and i sooo hope that they don't recognise me@!!
then we fix the basket and everything..then went up that lousy rusty stage..my mum came and OMG..even she says that the dance moves was stupid and boring!!! and we have to do it a few times!! imagine tomorrow!! in front of so many or mayb none.. if no one wants to see ghost dancing and throwing flowers??
anyway..after that. me shuen chia and mum went to little BU to makan lor..
then after that i follow my mum to my bro n sis's wushu thing..so damn bored
soo.. i walk around the school..as usual and recall many memories..lonely but yeah..thinking of the past may make us regret stuff..
Posted by La Fern at 11:31 PM 0 comments
OMG! Tagged
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Tag Rules
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Time: 3.03 PM
Name: Vanese Yee Li Fern
Sisters: 3
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: 5
Favourite drinks: Bubble Milk Tea
Favourite breakfast: Breakfast Set / Luo Mai Kai with soya bean
Have you ever..
Been on a plane: Ya
Swam in the ocean: Yup
Fallen asleep in school: Yup, during exams
Broken someone's heart: I guess?
Fell off your chair: When I was little
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Nope..
Saved e-mails: Nope
Chicken pox: Yup
Sore throat: Duh..
Stitches: Nope
Broken nose: Ugh..No
What is your room like: Kinda empty to me..but messy
What's right beside you: My Hp
What is the last thing you ate: Pork Rice..heh
Do you..
Believe in love at first sight: Kinda..although it is all a fairytale.
Like picnics: ya
Who was the last person..
You danced with: sis..lol
Last made you smile: Memories..of friendship.
Today did you..
Talk to someone you like: hmmm..no
Kiss anyone: ew no
Get sick: ya..of the crab dance and my mom's nags
Talk to an ex: er..no?
Miss someone: totally
Best feeling in the world: not really..today turned up to be ruined
What's under your bed: Floor la
What time is it now: 3.14 PM
Random Qs:
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now: YUP ^.^
Q: Do you have any siblings: Yup
Q: Do you want children: mayb
Q: Do you smile often: ya..but I hate fake smiling
Q: Do you like your hand-writing: kinda
Q: Are your toenails painted: nope
Q: Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: the most comfortable bad in the world
Q: What colour shirt are you wearing: white
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday: watching tv while eating
Q: I can't wait till: Freedom of my life and totally perfectness of me ( as if possible )
Q: When did you cry last: in front of a tv..of a show
Q: Are you a friendly person: ya
Q: Do you have any pets: fish???
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now? dunno?bet he has many many plans..
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? no
Q: Do you sleep with the TV on? no
Q: What are you doing right now? this long tag.
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window? yup
Q: Can you handle the truth? sometimes not..
Q: Are you closer to your mother or father? none
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of? parents?
Q: How many people can you say you've really loved? many
Q: Do you eat healthy?depends
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? yes.
Q: How often do you go to church? I'm a Buddhist
Q: If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? usually i don't go, I talk talk talk.
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time? loud at home and with friends
Q: Are you confident? not really.but yes in front of shuen
Q: 5 things I was doing 10 years ago: walk. play. laugh. cry. scream.
Q: 5 snacks I enjoy: chocolate, chips, roti telur, corn, pizza
Q: 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: 1.do stuff to gain back my confidence
3.Get alot of clothes
4 .buy books
5.give some to my parents
Q: 5 of my bad habits: 1.lazyness
3. eat in front of tv
4.wasting time
5.pile up my hw
Q: 5 places I have lived in: hotels. grandpa hse. my hse. ting's.suite
Q: 5 jobs I've had: wash the plates. wash the praying stuff. help teachers. help in the shop. wack the boy next to me if he's naughty-by teacher
Posted by La Fern at 10:52 PM 0 comments
15 weird facts abt Me
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The rules and regulations:1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state the rules clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!
Posted by La Fern at 10:30 PM 0 comments
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Tagged by ster.
this kinda looks like a short tag.
6things i'm passionate about:
- Music
- Dramas
- Hangouts
- Crushes
- Chocolates
- Memories
- Wat la
- yish
- .....mah?
- dunno
- stupid??
- Wei la
- Repetition of the book Harry Potter!!!!
- Pumpkin Pie
- Passion Flower
- Shrinking Violet
- Tru Confessions
- Esperanza Rising
- Some chinese song
- Our Time Is Here
- Too Cool
- Two Stars
- I want it all
- Everyday
I think I just like some movie songs??
6 things i learnt in the Past Year:
- I have serious tember problems
- Everyone hasn't find their looks during form 1 - try comparing my class's form 1 and form 2 picture
- I'm quite dumb in studies
- I am sneaky like a fox lol
- I am not really good in music?
- I really hate violin
Posted by La Fern at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Latest stuff la
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At last hols are over..meet back my friends.. and the tomorrow, which is Wednesday.. is gonna be a holiday to a few classes in SMK BUD 2
cuz 15 of our teachers are going for a meeting abt PMR//
so the 4 of us are gonna take the chance to go out..to study and hang out..
LOlli Me!
anyway..I'm Currently reading this book
I think it is nice la.. hope so.
And before raya..I read Princess in Love by Meg Cabot.. she's awesome
do you knkow..? that she's top 61 for best authors??
Jk rowling is 20th

Posted by La Fern at 3:27 AM 0 comments
What a trip..
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sry..no pics. cuz.......I accidentaly deleted !! * eep *
lots and lots of food..
I'm just keeping everything short la,...
On wed, we reached at around 2pm?? Luckily my cousin brother was staying there, so he actually book a double room Suite for us..The place is called " The Krystal Suites" lols.. then we went around.. and then eat.
of course Penang is all about FOOD, but the part I hate most is that when we want to eat in any famous restraunt or hawker stalls.. IT"S ALWAYS PACK!!!! ugh
anyway..then we went to the place opposite Gurney Plaza, nearby got hawker food but then we pack cuz too many ppl!! My bro and sis actually bought bubbles to play..then went back to the suite and makan makan makan..then bath then sleep..
the next day..was temple day!~! we went to kek lok si, and all kinds of temple!! In kek lok si..lovely view , we went up the under construction building , which is only 7 floors but really steep..but I love the breeze and view up there.
Next day..we went up dunno what building till the 59th floor.. but didn't went for the viewing the city part cuz it's damn expensive la!! So went back down and the went to another place to makan. then went for a little shopping.
then went to the beach along Batu Ferrigi..I went up a horse!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..I'm lazy for details
Then the last day..after makan, we went on a FERRY back to perak. NICE!!
then it was jam on the way back.. so we went to Taiping Zoo..
then later the Ipoh for dinner..Ong Kee's is nice..
anyway..then reached home at about 10pm ++?
lovely holiday..
Posted by La Fern at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hot Shot aka Lan Qiu Huo
This show is AWESOME @@!!!!!
The main stars are (clockwise) Jerry Yan, Wu Zun , Luo Zhi Xiang
Lolli!!! Hot HOt HoT !!
Eventhough only show less than ten episodes...
It's super awesome
got alot of things happen everyweek Sat 6.30 Pm - 8 pm
U should watch!!!
the story is MORE interesting than Kinship..
the main stars
with their beautiful coach the pretty couple ( sort of )
Posted by La Fern at 5:08 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
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OK...Today's the last day!!!
damn happy ..
This morning, I just found out that I'm a little sick
a little running nose...
then went to school,
read some Ming ju jing hua with ster while watching boys playing badminton
Kh was ok
but very ma fan
make me mang zhang as in we have to get the measurement 100% corecto
but that was totally ok
Next was Pn Chee's Bc thing
So me n ster read quite some ming ju jing hua
and when it's until my turn,
she asked the one that i know
and i explain it 80% exact with the book
and guess what!!!! she just said that i was incorrect@!!!
Even shuen said that I was quite exact with the book
anyway.. then i know that she was just treating me as though I was the baddie
well to her i am and mayb Pn Jamilah la
but her's was total cruelty
when she gave 6 more questions for the last 6 of us..
I know it ain't gonna be easy for me to be chosen
since I'm at the back
and she like chinesy boys
so I just lost hope
even ryan could answer b4 me
BUT with the help of Qiu Rong
He admited to Shuen
He lied to teacher
anyway..the total unfairness made my inner self feel so uncomfortable
and gonna cry ...cuz I don't want to do excercise alone
but then i tried not to
then at last she gave me the easiest and i answered
I have tears in my eyes just waiting to pour out
But when I look at shuen
I dunno why
but my teas just ran out like mad
I just can't stop
everytime I'm gonna stop
I remembered the unfairness and cried again
thx wei ting for anwei me
I think PN Chee saw that I was crying
that's why on the 2nd round
she gave me quite an easy question
but that's also unfairness!!!!!!
Me and Shuen agreed that the teacher will treat students that she offended better
SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!! to all those muslims
Posted by La Fern at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
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I haven't been updating my blog..
so now i'm cramming everything for the whole past month???
anyway..as u knew earlier, i have 4 music exams that i took this whole year
1. theory grd 6
2. Yamaha AXC course
3. Violin exam grd 4
4. Piano ABRSM grd 7
and i might have told the results
but i'm just writing it out.
1.pass for theory ( sadz )
2.Merit with all B for 5 section (not bad i guess , since i;m the only one in my class who got that)
3.Surprisingly got Merit
4. Merit with 126 marks for grd 7
Posted by La Fern at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kitty Cat @_@
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I think it was a day last week..
oh ya!! friday..i suddenly remembered.cuz that was the day i got a hair cut.
anyway..while eating lunch at home,
i heard some sounds
it's not barking or meowing
it kinda sounded like squeking of a duck??
so i was so curious
i took the key and open the gate
and walk towards the window of the kitchen where i heard the sound
and guess what i found???
3 Kitties
and a mom
the one squeking was the youngest , i guess
and guess what? my maid knew it liao lor..and i was next to found out!@!
and she said that the mom will let them go when they're old enough
they're so cute
they are all less than one week old
the other two kitties are shy
the mum wasn't fierce
the youngest kitty- saffy!!
wasn't scared like her other kitty bro or sis
just walk out
mayb just learning how to walk
that's y so amazed
and like never seen humans before
then keep walking around me
then somwtimes crawled on my slippers
the mom ( can see la ) quite hungry
so got some milk and gave it to her in a plastic round container
and she drank real fast
then i keep playing with saffy
while taking pic of them
then i went for a hair cut
after i came back,
I went to look for them again
didn't see them at all
only the mom
and she kept following me
kinda like a stalker
but real close
i was kinda scared
but then found out that she wants to be cuddled
she kept going round my legs
then i decided to sit down at the chair outside next to the pond
then she was trying to get up on the chair
i thought she can't do it
then all of a sudden
she jump up through the chair's handle gap and
sat on my lap@@@!!!!
i screamed!! and she got shocked and got down
i thought she's gonna crawl aroung and scratch me
but nope..
then she continued to follow me
then she lied on the ground
and keep rolling over to the left
then to the right
then to the left
then to the right
and the left
and the right
it's scary to see her nipples!!
anyway..i faster went into the house
she keep trying to come in
the mom and another small but there
the squeky one
so super cute right? awww.. i love to cuddle it
and when i tried to carry it
i can feel the legs moving
so i let it down
it was kinda unbalenced when it walks
too naughty.walked too far from home
so the mum carried saffy back
every now and then..
some cats will come into our house
but it's kinda normal to us
but not for my eldest sis
she'll freak out
she actually screamed real real loud
haiz ...
Posted by La Fern at 6:20 AM 0 comments