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I think it was a day last week..
oh ya!! friday..i suddenly remembered.cuz that was the day i got a hair cut.
anyway..while eating lunch at home,
i heard some sounds
it's not barking or meowing
it kinda sounded like squeking of a duck??
so i was so curious
i took the key and open the gate
and walk towards the window of the kitchen where i heard the sound
and guess what i found???
3 Kitties
and a mom
the one squeking was the youngest , i guess
and guess what? my maid knew it liao lor..and i was next to found out!@!
and she said that the mom will let them go when they're old enough
they're so cute
they are all less than one week old
the other two kitties are shy
the mum wasn't fierce
the youngest kitty- saffy!!
wasn't scared like her other kitty bro or sis
just walk out
mayb just learning how to walk
that's y so amazed
and like never seen humans before
then keep walking around me
then somwtimes crawled on my slippers
the mom ( can see la ) quite hungry
so got some milk and gave it to her in a plastic round container
and she drank real fast
then i keep playing with saffy
while taking pic of them
then i went for a hair cut
after i came back,
I went to look for them again
didn't see them at all
only the mom
and she kept following me
kinda like a stalker
but real close
i was kinda scared
but then found out that she wants to be cuddled
she kept going round my legs
then i decided to sit down at the chair outside next to the pond
then she was trying to get up on the chair
i thought she can't do it
then all of a sudden
she jump up through the chair's handle gap and
sat on my lap@@@!!!!
i screamed!! and she got shocked and got down
i thought she's gonna crawl aroung and scratch me
but nope..
then she continued to follow me
then she lied on the ground
and keep rolling over to the left
then to the right
then to the left
then to the right
and the left
and the right
it's scary to see her nipples!!
anyway..i faster went into the house
she keep trying to come in
the mom and another small but there
the squeky one
so super cute right? awww.. i love to cuddle it
and when i tried to carry it
i can feel the legs moving
so i let it down
it was kinda unbalenced when it walks
too naughty.walked too far from home
so the mum carried saffy back
every now and then..
some cats will come into our house
but it's kinda normal to us
but not for my eldest sis
she'll freak out
she actually screamed real real loud
haiz ...
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