Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A little about exams

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Hmm.. today is the second day of exam. english, Kh and Maths

so.. During english,of course everyone finish fast. So i just sleep a while but not completely asleep la.

Then I suddenly remembered that i need a calculator for maths and I forgotten to bring for exam. SHit!

So I started thinking of plans. later after english. I was panicking.
So during recess, Dawn and I went to the office and I saw shee mei at the back. I asked Pn rosa.... then she said no cuz ifi she gave me then not fair to others.
Pn oo wasn't there so i just went to eat.

Then later after recess, I went to the office again to ask Pn oo. And guess what? She said she promised to lend it to Shee Mei!!!!!~ Ugh.

So later while studying, I noticed that Encik Tan was marking maths. SO i asked him, and he said he lent it to a form 4. Well that sucks...

In then end.. when Pn Chua came in, yenlin and LiChing told me to ask her for a NORMAL calculator. guess what? I got the calculator and she said if she doesn't get it back, I have to return her a SCIENTIFIC calculator.
As though she's gonna use it. Then most also the funtions of a normal cal. maybe... She wants to sell it. She's mata duitan mah ( a bit la)

Anyway.. toodles.