Last sunday
when our whole family was busy doing our stuff
actually not much to do
then suddenly 2 cats came in
they look soo cute
what should I name them?
they're strays but i just name them for fun
give ur suggestions in the chat box..
so we gave them some milk
and they were like drinking so fast
the blacker one always gets more
trying to get the milk
interested in the cam issit?
actually they're not afraid of the camera or ppl
although i love dogs more
but they r cute
hey ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
third bow i guess
we only pour quite little..
then me n sis was like asking them to stay still
and they kinda understand
and just stay
me n sis took the ice cream
actually cut cincau first
then put some in the bow,
then add the ice cream,
then add soya bean lol, then put more cincau on top!!
my faby mind thouht of it~!
perasan betul
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
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