The Birthday Gurl~~
Now it's uploading time..picture again. going to tell u abt almost everything first went there..then Erin brought us around her luxurious house .
took some pics.
Dawn >< Erin ^^ Vanese@@ Esther$$

then later..Erin went to layan other frens
and we explore by our selves
Me @@ Ster $$ Dawn ><
Me @@ Ster $$
then went back to the theater room and took pics with them
Si ## Shuen** Me @@
then played a game of this thing.. then took pics of them playing..
remember Esther's incident..
played the newpaper game
& ate her wonderful sweeeeeet cake..then played the game again plus the sofea -sarah game thing + musical chair~!
i was top 4..well kinda great..Erin won it fair n Square
then went walking around a few houses away from her house..
just for some time away from the party..
and when we went back..
they were opening her pressie..
our pressie were the last to open
then we feel hot and went to the theater room and PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!!! best part
took pics..
Si## Shuen ** Sofea~~ Ster $$ Vanese@@ Weiting++

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