Friday, November 30, 2007

I love hanging out wif my frens! ^_^

A Day Wif My Friends..!


It was a very happy n the words to describe a wonderful day) !! cuz me n my Friendz (Ster n Si) finally gt a chance to go out together..AT last!!

It was soo fun!we meet in front of Mcd the usuall meeting spot at 1pm..later, we went straight to the ticket booth to buy the tickets for the movie me n my frenz been talking n planning to watch for weeks..ENCHANTED n so...we actually want to watch star dust..but it waws our second choice...yada yada..get to the point//

After we gt the tickets for ENCHANTED we walked to buy some food to eat..since me n si-hui didn't eat our lunch..later we walked from 1U's old wing to new wing..passing by many shops n went in but didn't really find wat we want..

We walk n talk n didn't realise that it was already 2.10so we rushed to old wing's TGV .. when we gt there, we realised that we didn't buy anything to eat during the the cheapest place to get wat ever u wan n the place is quite near is we gt to he escalator to buy wat ever stuff we need ..then rushed up..

Lickily we're still early..thx to the advertisement..cuz we're late by 10 mins(movie starts at 2.20pm) n so ..we found our seat n it was so much comfier than the seat i was seating in GSc two days ago...The movie began n we oso started to eat wat we bought..It was a wonderful n magical show..(Luv it <3>)..

We gt really sick of sweet by the time the movie end..n we continued to walk n chat...n nest we went to DREAMWORLD . We actually have time to take pic twice..but unfortunately ..we took quite sum time to choose which wan we wanted n it actually wasted our precious last we chose one n gt tokens n blablbala..

`~~to be continued ~~`

~ Vanese_Sachi ~