♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
Ah...My new moon arrives at last. Been waiting long enough.
But, it sure it worth the wait.
New Moon is SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok..I'm a little crazed, but I swear that I'm totally not lying or exaggerating.
Me n my bestie totally love it.
These are a few parts that we love :
* the beginning, where Bella has a dream of being old. Where Edward kisses the grandma ( ooh, she's one lucky grandma )
* Birthday scene! I love Carlisle's potrait...It's so patronish. And the vampire killing is gross. But the birthday is nice.
*The movie part..^^
*The meadow with Laurent and wolfieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
*Haha. Bella slapping Paul. Jacob is so cute in his sleep.
*I love the vamps running. And when they turn their heads.. woosh
*The Volturi part is awesome..They're so scared of Jane.lols.. Aro is very weird and funny.
* The ending...........eh..ok la??? wait. isn't it suppose to be in the 3rd book???
Ya....still love it lotz. Much better than Twilight.
If u haven't watched it, better go watch, or else u rugi.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Posted by La Fern at 4:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Posted by La Fern at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
So pissy
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Okay.. Yesterday morn, i was like so in the bad mood?
Why? cause there's ringkasan in the morn.
Then I was so looking forward to PE, but play badminton little bit then kena dimerit for not wearing full uniform.. so I'm stuck in the 'kandang' with a few ppl who didn't change or like me. Gah. Luckily I have my fan.and we gossiped in the 'kandang' I'm just shocked that Mr Hanapi was suddenly so strict. He's like the usual blablabla anything oso can.
THen during moral.. This Mr Tan was blablabla talking away. He's suppose to be this author, but takkan laku so he teach MORAL! Then he commented that we all no moral. Should blame the moral text for being so boring plus he's long whinded speech.
But leh... After recess was 2 period of KH. Teacher's not for our PK class!!! So first me, SM, Kelly and TIng playing Pictionary ( our fav ) Then joined by dawn n Yenlin. Later on joined by Ster n Sherilynn. Gosh~! 4 linked tables. And i have to admit that it's quite loud.. but we did toned down..
It's so fun. BUt this LXY need to spoil the mood by writing on the blackboard" Pictionoisy competition, SMKBUD (2), 3SP " he's just the weird one... anyhoo.. it's soo fun.
then it was pKC.. n we went down to the library. A few of us helped PN Seow wrap book. I prefer that than reading Bm books right?
Posted by La Fern at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
Report card
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Today's report card day. So my mum was the 7th to came~!
Woots- get to go back earlier.
So the first 2 period, Pn/Cik Zarila did some KOMSAS. Then later free~!!
Played too many pictionary..sien liao.
I love Ting's fan..
I was shaking shaking the fan, then i found out that the fan holder can turn the mini fan into a table fan!!!!! Awesome.
Guess what? She didn't even know it..
My stupid result sucks. 14th place. this really sucks. Dawn really studies.(her mum said so)
I got a freaking C.
My weak subjects... Bm, Bc, Sej, Geo, Kh , and maybe science......
Oh Hell.
R.I.P Michael Jackson.
Posted by La Fern at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Cousin time
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On Thursday.. I went out to 1U with Joyce Phang YY. We planned to watch 2 movies..so we chose Hannah Montana The Movie & 17 Again. Both movies were awesome. Hannah Montana was quite emotional tho..17 Again is quite funny too. Then went to her house to wait for my mum.. great time catching up with each other and also talking abt all the Twilight saga stuff !!!!!!!!
On Fri~
My mum wants us 4 to go 4 skating.. eventhough we've just went for skating on Monday..Cuz she wants to invite our cousy~!!!! I was so glad.. It was so fun.. We chased each other and so on.. didn't know my 2 cousin brothers could skate well. In the end, Me n my cousy sis were the only 2 who didn't fall at all. =)
Then we had dinner at Sakae Sushi. It was awesome.. I hate the drink.. it's kinda like fried tea. YUck.. but the sushi is super awesome but not many choices.. gah. Turns out.. it's RM 231. The 12 of us ..lols.
Went a little shopping then went back home~!!!!!!
Posted by La Fern at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
Music Exam
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Oh Gosh~!
It's so freaking hard.
Anyway,yesterday was my teacher's grd exam in Yamaha.
I've spent Friday morn, n Sunday afternoon at Jo Yi's hse.. trying to practise more. Gah..
So.. Yesterday..
Me, Roxanne and Jo Yi was so freaking nervous.
Roxanne went in first, then me n then joyi.
It's only 10 mins..
So when it's my turn...
one of the examiner opened the door..while the other prepare..
one thin one fat. haha
then I sat at the piano.. look at the melody singing thing.. for abt 3 sec and the person say 'u can play the first not or the first chord" WTF ?? not giving any time at all.. yish.. so..i kinda suck
Next, she ask me to look at the singing with accompaniment..(which i hate the most)
then 5 sec later.. "U may start"..Hell la.. What's the rush????
Then i took the other file with Melody accompaniment... 5 sec.and i still haven't finish the second line. then the examiner say"play the melody once and u may begin" Freak lah. So.. I only did the basics...realli basics. GAH
Then lastly is transposition..It's A major transpose major 2nd down. so it's G major la. This i did slow and steady.. tho got abit .. nvm
After that.. they told me to sit at the chair..in front of them.. they're suppose to give what they think n point out this n that.. so.. my singing ended badly, singing with accompaniment..too soft, melody accompaniment.hesitant but transposition was quite good. lols then tq went out.
So after joyi was out.. my mum brought KFC and 3 of us ate down stairs.. waiting for writen section at 12.40pm..
so we talked abt what they commented..and actually all of us have the same questions. we are so sucky haha.
then after we ate.. i kinda heard someone calling out names.. so i told them n faster rush up.
Went in the HALL.. and sat. hearing was quite ok.. then theory.. I dunno what is Phrygain cadence?? then Chord progression (a) was ok.. Chord progression (b) ok also.. me n my friends got the same answer..
then by 2pm.. IT"S finally over!!!!!
Then my mum fetch the 3 of us.. plus my bro n sis.. we're going to Sunway Pyramid..Skating was fun.. Roxanne dropped once.. Joyi 3 times!!! I didn't fell until the end.. when me roxanne n my bro was standing still on skates trying to look around for joyi.. n then.. some stupid show off person with black shirt n jeans.knocked me at the skates and i fell right on my butt. he fell too.. Freak la . my hand like a little fractured. or is it just really pain. ugh/. and then went back after dinner at Kenny Rodgers..
Posted by La Fern at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
New Moon info
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Can't wait for new moon.
This is a little about some new moon actors
Posted by La Fern at 3:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Twilight
Friday, May 22, 2009
Kris Allen !!
Nyek nyek.
I'm so glad, happy, joyful,grateful, grateful,crazy
that Kris won.
He's so fit to be the WINNER>
I love the grand finale.
Posted by La Fern at 2:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
I just came back from my opposite neighbour's house.
One of their son is getting married tomorrow.. SO it's kinda like a bachelor's party..
Felt so weird going to the opposite house.
The food was great and so.. Many rich small kids. lols
So we took some food and sat outside.
Then when about 9.30pm, suddenly got FIREWORKS !!!!
me n my sis was sitting at the outer side of the tent so the view is AMAZING.
gosh. much better than any fireworks.
anyway... I won't be blogging much for the next 2 weeks. Got exams... and I need to finish KGT. gee
Posted by La Fern at 6:44 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
2.5.09 - Hangout
Then went for lunch at A&W.
Posted by La Fern at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wesak Day
Ailsa kept saying smile, smile smile. heart heart
Spent all the coupons at last. Ashley has got lots of coupons.
Posted by La Fern at 6:42 AM 0 comments
This is the summary of the past whole week.
but luckily she was looking the other side when she came in.
Posted by La Fern at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Labour day
SO.. we stopped at this shop called
Breakfast and tea ( i think )
Posted by La Fern at 3:09 AM 0 comments
Bitch wannabe
Posted by La Fern at 2:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
- Labour day.
- Hangout with Junmey
- Dharmma school
Posted by La Fern at 4:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Updates
Friday, April 24, 2009
just something seriously random. gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah gah
Me + You
= I ❤ U
Me x YOu
= ❤²
Me + You + Her
Me + You - Her
= Happy Ending ❤
Posted by La Fern at 2:29 AM 0 comments
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Okay. I'll be posting short i guess bcus of the stupid hw piling up on the table.
Yesterday was our school's BU2 Idol for solo category.
Short summary (my opinion):
Judges: Cikgu Hanapi (trying ahrd to be a good judge.mr Randy), Pn Azizan(Paula??), Mdm Ho ( so simon cowell-ish)
1.Andrew Chong- quite okay la. Full of expressions. Though in BM, it was nice although with pronouciation problem
2. Sherilynn Goh - Part of your world. Yup. It's the Disney LIttle Mermaid song. There's convo in it. SO she got out of tempo sometimes. hmm. A little pitching -out - of - tune problem. But still.. it's a performance.ALl judges said that they were surprised to see her there on stage. hahaas.
3. Sarah Ng - My heart. Strong vocal. Though she should use the stage more. She sang acapella.
4.Some form 1 guy. -Linkin park's What I've Done. er.. Sry to say that U SUCK. u should be more prepared.THo u have the courage, but u have no talent in singing. so soft and only can hear the song. haiz. gd luck next time.
5 & 6? can't remember. Oh wait, did i mention that the judges comments? right after the sing?
7.King Wei - Crush. OMG. he crushed the hall. shit la. At the beggining, it was seriously ok. got some DAvid-ness. Then when he went into the chorus. Hell. He suddenly went real low. Eww. Then stupid head forgotten the lyrics. ARGH...
8. Yantimala. dunno what song liao. I didn't really listen. But heard her sing b4. great lor.
9. Yasmin - Use somebody with Azri's guitar accompaniment. Great voice . but leh.. last minute change song also don't need to bring the lyrics up mah. Spoil her proffesionality.Tho eye contact only to her friends in a corner. Gah. should have been better.
10. Hafiz - some malay song with his guitar. Er.. don't focus too much on the freakking guitar and sing!!.
Next is all about the sisters. well not all la.
11.Iffa ( the youngest of the 3 sis) - If I ain't got you. Seriously awesome!!!!! She's form 2. She also sang acapella but it was so totally great. After all the boring other contestant. Suddenly she shines. Lols. blablabla. really great comments from the judges. Hanapi: U boleh sertai Malaysian Idol atau One in A Million. I like u. 5 star. (the two last sentence is just stupid. he said it for so many others.) Then blablablaa.lazy to write.
12.Syazwani ( the eldest of the 3 sis) - I'm Beautiful. Full with emotions. Great voice. Tho she kept her eyes close all the time that hanapi said y close eye? kena ada eye contact dgn audience or something la.
13.Sofea (yasmin's sis)- The first cut is the deepeset with Azri's accompaniment. Nice voice like her sis. Tho should really move more around. gah. like her sis, should have done better.
last but not least
14.Syazreen ( the second sis) - Fallin. Awesome. The most powerful voice among the 3 sis. But the youngest sis still rawked. Anyway.. her voice is unique. Really great too.
gah.. need to do so many stupid hw. toodles
Posted by La Fern at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Bandar Utama,
47800 Petaling Jaya
Posted by La Fern at 2:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
I was tagged. by Miss Ashley Foo.
1. Last beverage ↨ Water
2. Last phone call ↨Mum
3. Last text message ↨ Sis
4. Last song you listened to ↨ A chinese song la
5. Last time you cried ↨ out of stress?
6. Dated someone twice ↨ erm.. no?
7. Been cheated on ↨ No
8. Kissed someone and regretted it ↨ ugh.. no
9. Lost someone special ↨ seriously..yes
10. Been depressed ↨ duh??
11. Been drunk ↨ Not likely
12. Silver
13. Black
14. Pink
15. Made new friends ↨ Ya. Then i wouldn't be having any friends la.
16. Fallen out of love ↨ er. no
17. Laughed until you cried ↨ Yupidy yup
18. Met someone who changed you ↨ Yes
19. Found out who your true friends are ↨ yaha.
20. Found out someone was talking about you ↨ yes. but it's kinda like a compliment.
21. Kissed someone on your friends list ↨ Ew. NO
22. How many kids do you want to have ↨ hmm..dunno?
23. Do you have any pets ↨ Yes -lots and lots of fish..
24. Do you want to change your name ↨ not really. tho it's funny
25. What did you do for your last birthday ↨ nothing special. sadz =(
26. What time did you wake up today ↨ 6am something la
27. What were you doing at midnight last night ↨ asleep?
28. Name something you CANNOT wait for ↨ End of my Yamaha exam & PMR
29. Last time you saw your father ↨ In the room?
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ↨ Appearance
31. What are you listening to right now ↨ my fren's blog song?
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ↨ Nope. Weird name
33. What is getting on your nerves right now ↨ Stupid exams
34. What is your real name ↨ Vanese Yee Li Fern
35. Relationship Status ↨ single.
36. Zodiac sign ↨ Doggie
37. Male or female ↨Female
38. Elementary ↨ SJK(C) Puay Chai 2
39. Middle School ↨ SMK BUD (2)
40. High School ↨ wait.. I'm seriously getting confuse. Which is high school??
41. What do you like about yourself ↨ Evillness?
42. Piercings ↨ ya
43. Tattoos ↨ Nope
44. Righty or lefty ↨ Lefty!!!
45. First surgery ↨ nope
46. First piercing ↨ Form 1
47. First tattoo ↨ when i was a kid?
48. First best friend ↨ Hmm.. Louisa? currently in Australia!!
49. First sport you joined ↨ Diablo. Wait, is that even counted as a sport? if not then badminton
50. First pet ↨ Guppy?
51. First concert ↨ Kindergarten
52. First crush ↨ Standard 6
53. First alcohol drink ↨ Shandy...got alchohol right?
54. Eating ↨ some baby thing i guess.
55. Drinking ↨ milk?
56. Listening to ↨ My own cries?
57. Waiting for ↨ PMR to be over.
58. Want kids ↨ maybe. c 1st lo
59. Want to get married ↨ Mayb. If I found someone lo
60. Careers in mind ↨ something to do with music la
61. Lips or eyes ↨ Both
62. Hugs or kisses ↨ Both
63. Shorter or taller ↨ just taller than me
64. Older or younger ↨ Older . maybe by a year or 2
65. Romantic or spontaneous ↨ Both
66. Nice stomach or nice arms ↨ Both
67. Tattoos or piercings ↨ piercings
68. Sensitive or loud ↨ huh?
69. Hook up or relationship ↨ ???
70. Trouble maker or hesitant ↨ Neither
71. Kissed a stranger ↨ No
72. Drank hard liquor ↨ ugh..no
73. Lost glasses/contacts ↨ Nope.
74. Sex on first date ↨ Eww. Who does that. well mayb some ppl does that
75. Broken someone's heart ↨ hmm. I don't know.
76. Had your own herat broken ↨ idts
77. Been arrested ↨ No
78. Turned someone down ↨ Think so
79. Cried when someone died ↨ yes. I'm emotional
80. Yourself ↨ Sometimes
81. Miracles ↨ Yes..
82. Love at first sight ↨ No
83. Heaven ↨ Yes
84. Santa Claus ↨ Nope. too bad. No chimney.GAH
85. Kissing on the first date ↨ hmm.. got to think about that.
86. Angels ↨ Yes.
87. Is there one person you want to be with right now ↨ Yes
88. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time ↨ No
89. Do you believe it's possible to remain faithful forever ↨ Yes
90. What's the one thing you cannot live without ↨ Chocolate@!
Gah~! I tag:
Wei Ting
Ben Ee
YOU :)
Posted by La Fern at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Sports week.
Okay. On wed, we got sport's rehearsal thing la.
get to wonder around .
Choral speaking on Thurs. I'ts like so weird.
Posted by La Fern at 2:59 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Lousy friday.
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Okay , Friday sucks. I've been informed that for the first 4 period , they'll have the saringan, and then after recess got ceramah.
So i thought it would be fun to go to school and do ntg in class.
Tak sangka, they don't let us be in class. and made us stand at basketB court, VolleyB court, Canteen, bla bla bla . To watch all their saringan .Itt's so bored. So lifeless that time.
If i know we're not allowed to be in class then don't come to school liao la.
Then the ceramah was quite interesting la. I think it helps lor. But some I already know de.
But i like how he teach us to memorise. It's AWESOME. lols.
Anyway.. if got anything like today again, I'm so gonna ponteng. Yish .
Posted by La Fern at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
Seriously, how could one be so lifeless.
I am so bored, but still living well i guess.
I've been wondering, we should all be wondering too.
What are we all living for?
Well, I just don't want to go living without a point right?
To me, if I'm already not perfect, I'll just live till the worst comes.
Now.. It's just terrible enough.
Having no idea what to do with what I'm having now.. So I'll just wait till the worst of the worst comes.
So...At this point, I'm living for many things..
-my family
-my friends
-my music
-my awesomeness.lols
-ppl around me
-my love of twilight, hP, and all the novels
-the love of having friends
-the love of my beloved piano
-to have a better future
-great results
-selfishness (hehe)
-all my belongings
-to see changes around
-all the things A girl would live for
that's what I can surrently think of la.
Till next time. Chau.
Posted by La Fern at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Did you know..
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Actually I just thought of it.
During perhimpunan, the pengawas from our class got duty, then they call the QM ( pengawas sukan ) out.Then in the oend, our line left 3 girls and 8/9 boys left. Lols.
The 3 girls are me, ster and kelly. SO.. let's just say if they call out the Pengawas PSS , then 3 of us are PSS so our class line will have no girls left. Lols.
So yeng right? Our class's girls are all so capable of doing work. All got pangkat. hehe... Ok i'm bored.
when I was in tuition earlier.. Suddenly my Hp rang, it vibrated but actually it wasn't in silent mode. Luckily my speaker cacated, I faster reach in my pocket to press the end button. Then a few minutes later, I felt a vibration for a message. I was so freaked out. I was like who would call n sms me at this time???
Then when I went back, I just came down from the car where my bro was hanging out his hand through the grill with the phone. It's ster. She's got GREAT news. She was told by ting during tuition that the saringan is post-poned to tomorrow the 4 period b4 recess. And that Pn Chee, is the ketua of Red house. So she need to be there. Then Pn Oo is for Purple team. Then cik zarila is red house teacher, mayb we'll skip Bm cuz alot from our class are QM.
the next great awesome new is after recess, we'll have a moral creamah. I mean dun need to study la. Awesome right?
So all i have to bring is a few hw that need to pass up and some extra hw or so.. YEEEP~!!!
Posted by La Fern at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's update time.
Hmm..Holidays were a bore. Well at least I could kinda relax for 3-4 days till i found out that I was totally behind my hw. And the stress came back. Oh well. That's just life.
Hmm.. I went for piano theory exam as I posted in my last blog i think. Then later that week..two of my younger sis have Yamaha piano examination. So i have to suffer to teach them (well..mostly critic them) on their playing since it's important. Wasted my stupid time teaching. Hope it paid off. Seriously stressful.
Then later at night, I cabut and followed my mum to my dad's shop to pick him up. He's going to send the specs to my cousin brother who is currently in the swimming thingi for Sabah. *Fish guy* *woots* Anyway.. I was glad I followed my mum. I have to make sure that both of my sis are constantly playing each for 15 mins .
So we have to send them to the Aquatic Stadium thingi., in Shah Alam. OMG. So confusing. we turned round and round like mad. luckily I was rereading Twilight to keep company of boredom and headache-ness. Then we stoped a few times to ask for directions. Then once, we stoped around the malay restraunt or whatever it is, when my father went down to ask for directions. Then we smelled the FOOD...It smelled really nice. Can't blame us..So hungry later then.
At last we reached the what-so-ever-place. Then the next building was like a hostel they were staying in for competition. My cousin Eugene came with the Sabah team although it's not his turn yet. And his father is coming the next day to watch him SWIM.It's been like a year++ since I've seen him. felt so not close. Maybe it's because the last time we met was last year's new year or so.. He didn't come for our grandma's funeral cuz his mother's side grandfather also passed away two days earlier.
So .. My mum, dad and I went in. it's looks more like a hotel. Maybe it is a hotel. Fine. Anyway.. we called him down. And I was walking around then 3 of us was looking at the small fountain/pond with Very very very fake lily flowers around that was next to the lift. SO artificial. Anyway...then all of a sudden my cousin greeted us. i was like in so shocked.
Well.. not much changes in him. A litle blur. Not so tall yet. nyek nyek. I'm around his height anyway. lolli. then he took his specs , talk a bit then went back to rest.
On thursday, I went to the dentist to get braces..Omg. the experience.Haiz... No colour geh.. Humph. anyway.. then later that night i went for Math tuition with my weird braces. well luckily it's maths and I don't have to talk much .it's all about using the brain. Since the 5 of us didn't went for the last Thursday tuition, We went for the tuesday time during the holiday. SO the five of us ( me, grace, bryan, samuel and Zi gee???? ) were faster cuz that class only got 5 ppl (not including us)
So on thursday, our usual lesson.. we already a step faster and teacher ask us to continue on. And then he suddenly see we're bored and wanted to teach us another step, and do POL4. You should have seen K Han's face. All so jealous that we're faster than him. And since I was sitting next to him, he kept on checking on where teacher teach till. And how fast I was going. He's still in POl3. lols. That made me mo faster. Nywek nyek Mr Annoying K Han. No offence . but pls stop ur stupid asking too many useless questions for stupid no reason.
Then On sunday.. the 100th day of my grandma's death. Kinda fun. except forthe part my cousin bro kept asking me to smile. Then I was kinda lazy not helping. then my mum ask me to 插香 at the soil. a few of my cousin bros are doing too. then i went to the grave and do la. I tried to poke it into the soil but didn't put effort. then i saw my cousy done with his, then I gave my pile to him. Then I see my sis still got loads to finish. then I took half then he finished his dy. So i gave him again. I continue to hold for my sis and seperate 2 by 2 so it's easier for her to poke it through.
My cousin Eugene, although not there la. He got a gold for butterfly 200M and silver for dunno what la. Kinda good. He's results were on the Star newspaper on Sunday.
Anyway... toodles.Chow
Posted by La Fern at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Old Buddies
Zi Ying won't be staying around with us cuz she's going back at around 4pm.
But she'll meet up with her sis.So we decided to play Fusball.
Junmey teamed up with me. We won the first game against Hui Min n Joyce.
And tied the second game against Hui Min and Zi Ying. real fun.
Me and Junmey was like calm with just a few squeks.
And the other team was so hyper.
Everyone's starring ( so pai seh )
Then we send Zi Ying off. And went in to the cinema.
We bought kids ticket. Oh well.. at least we are short enough.
(one point to Ting: short also got this benefit)
But our seats were seperated. So Huimin teared the ticket 2, 2. then we
Lat talil lat ta liltam pom.
and I got to seat with HuiMin lor. then I ask her whether she's holding the better seat.
And we are. We're like In G9 and 10. good seat in the middle.
We watched Race to witch mountain~!!!!
SO AWESOME~!!! I love it.
the Seth (Alexander Ludwig) is good looking.lols
then later we went to dreamworld.
And I saw Syahira.
Then Junmey and HuiMIn went back.
Me and Joyce decided to get BUBBLE MILK TEA~!
And then we walked to new wing.
Inform mum that 5.30 pm to pick me up.
We stop in a jewerly shop to get EARRINGS!
then was almost late and then went back.
Lolvely day.
Posted by La Fern at 9:21 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Civic /Hangover

Posted by La Fern at 7:12 AM 0 comments