Friday, June 27, 2008
Preparation for Oral
Posted by La Fern at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
report card day
I'm never afraid of that particular day
I'm a 'good' student mah...
Today is report card day aka Hari terbuka
went to school as usuall but just with a very very small , light bag
filled with my pencil box - can't live without it,
book - in case i'm really bored
camera - actually want to take pictures one.. but then no time
Shee mei's mum was the firsts to get there..
then Kok Wei Yip's aka kok wai ( by Mdm HOHOHOHOHOHOHO )
Then some malay's parent
then my mum
my dad was standing at the staircase
n then was playing chess
but then must go le
went into the car and..
ceramah started!!! oh no.
they start saying I'm really lazy
the worst in my family
bla bla bla
Hello? I'm in the good class..
they r all in chapalak classes
then went for breakfast at Deli's Bakery
somewhere in KD near my house
ordered Cincau + french toast and my mum ordered teh tarik
i was like half way eating
then my mum noticed that a lady keep turning back looking at our table
but i didn't notice
i was busy eating
then i look up the i saw from the corner of my eyes
that's y lar..he look back..
luckily i was finishing
then faster get up n then go..
saw a very cute car
smart on the way back home...
Posted by La Fern at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Through Experience
Yesterday night after my science tuition..
I was like so deadly tired
cuz yesterday got PE + Koko
and it's volleyball!!!! siao
so i went into the car then told them (dad + sis)to not disturb me..
then my father start his talk about why must u all go for tuition..
waste money...go study by yourself..bla bla bla
and by the first sec he started
i knew that it's going to be a long talk = ceramah = scolding = blabblering
through experience , you'll know
but my dumb as sis
the one who talks to the end of the world to proof that she's right
keep fighting back
and made my father angrier n angrier
N i told her just
sit back . relax . and don't fight back.
then she tries to do what i say..
i just close my eye,,as if i can sleep with the ceramah
then my sis keep trying to fight back
she wanted to say stuff
but i point at her
stop stop stop
then she tried n then suddenly my dad stoped n finished his ceramah..!!
through experience
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
Posted by La Fern at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
double J ~
Ok. since WT can post about her crush..then i will too.
starting from this year lar..ok.
i went for ****** tuition and ther's this boy.which is sooo hot~!
i like him from the first time i saw him..well no one knows about it.
the teachers all say that his brother is cute ( cute as in small kid that cute la )
but to me..he's cute
i haven't seen his younger i dunno how *cute* he is..
i don't think he notices me..that's bad.. haiz.
and there's another one..not really crush
just something like admire la
last ahem..
u noe
the sunday thing
during ....
that boy that i mentioned..
he ain't really really gd looking
but i'm attracted to him when he plays the guitar.
but at least he notices me..
not like SOME PPL!!!!!
ugh..but i bet many many girls like J1
and he might have many many gf..
keep it a secret!!!!!!!!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
Posted by La Fern at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
skipped stupiddumbKRS again..
i've been doing this for weeks liao..
And my mum knows it
but she also don't care when i told her there's like nothing to do there + need to march under the sun..
so n Pui Leng will ponteng and go Centre Point..
and then got bored
then went back to school just in time when they release the students from PRISON *pls highlight the words*lol
and today i didn't even want to go for KRS
didn't even want to stay back
feel so lazy
and i'm now back home ..onlining
thinking of what to do for oral test
could u believe?
we are suppose to be the 3rd to present our presentation@@! sickening!!
plus i miss CHEERLEADING!!!!
i miss learning stuns!!!
Posted by La Fern at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Dhamma School aka sunday School
Well..this morn from9-12.30, me,sis,bro n sis went for the bu12? or is it bu 11 BUBS dhamma school..
it's a Buddhist school..which is going to move to the one next to Puay Chai 2
the one that is building now..
last week we went for orientation..
u noe..parent can attend along down stairs while their children study in other class
it's in 2 double storey house
woke up early
went there at around 8.5o sumthing..kinda late but haven't start la
then bought the clothes which teen quest (13 -14 ) + the young adults (15 +++) dun need to wear..haiz..but my mum still bought it
the class thingi is split into 2 sessions
1st session is the dhamma classes
2nd session is the SIG thing (activities)
we went for both
it's one after another
9-10.30 -session one
10.30-11 - break
11-12..30 - SIG or is it SGI?????????
wehen i went up to the floor my class suppose to be in..they haven't start
n i went into the room
n teacher came in
met my fren
only5/19 turned up for today
kinda weird
cuz maybe..nvm
anyway..then the break
love the food
i noe that suppose to be vegetarian thing
but some Buddhist believe that u don't kill the animal
then u can eat the animal
ex: u didn't kill the chicken, so u didn't break the rules, so u r allowed to eat.simple??
i like this thinking..lolz
anyway..there so much to eat
♫roti canai( cut into pieces liao)
♫tuna sandwich
♫egg sandwich
♫fish ball,nugget,sausage,fries
ya that's alot of variety compared to my ex Buddhist school
n then the SIG
actually i wanted to take drama
but then the drama won't be really fun cuz all abt Buddhist thing
what i want is others
so i join musical instrument-which is combined with the singing
so we sang
n they say got inter competition for singing on the 23rd of Aug ( mum's B'day)
n split to primary n secondary -solo n group
duh..i'm in the secondary(wu liao)
ya..there's a boy only..actually two.but that one is got prob one..i guess
ooo..that boy can play the guitar..quite well
n i think all the other girls are interested in him..or that they're just frens from somewhere??
well..his looks r quite okok..above average?? quite tan..
got a few frens
hmm..okok laa
that's all for now..didn't bring cam
so didn't take pics
Posted by La Fern at 2:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Swimming? seriously not abt me..


my sis M

and found the playground
it's damn sweaty hot
i look so weird
i noe

pls send me the nicest pic u have
so i can link u
pls send when i'm online
through MSN
this is private so who cares!
Posted by La Fern at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Pls Refer if u dun remember
This is the pics from the sushi Plus muffin..
siao siao

Posted by La Fern at 1:26 AM 0 comments
A lot of pictures coming right up..
erm..i'll upload those last time..a few weeks ago de..
n then u ownself go check back..
refer by urself la..
In the next blog//
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♫♫♫♫♫❤❤❤
Posted by La Fern at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sry.. No time
I ♥ Today..i guess
there's many many more to say..but too little time
i'll tell u all about the perlantikan, change place + last suday 's bro sis swimming thing..
plus results!!!
Lotz of luvs
Posted by La Fern at 7:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Went to watch Kung FU Panda last night with my family
I♥Kung Fu Panda!!!!!
it's sooooooo funny!~
especially the part where the mantis accidentaly put pins all over the back of his BODY!!!
lolz~ everyone in the cinema was laughing!!
n there's many many nice parts that i love
- the part where the shifu made him eat the dumpling..but still has to fight over the dumpling
- that time the furious five fighting with TaiLung
- hmm..the part where tailung uses the bird's feather to open the shell thingi
- n the part where Po fight with Tailung
- n the ending where Po thought Shifu was dead!!
- n many many more@!
- the whole show is nice
OMG!! it's a must watch!!!
must watch second time only refresh again..lolz
I ❤❤❤ Tailung !! haha
although he's the baddy
but he last time is a prize student mah
so smart
so gd in kungfu
so fast
in a lighting shot then can reach the top of the mountain
n Po...
the beginning where he needs to carry the cart up the mountain stairs was soo funny
he said almost there n he was only at the 5th step or so..
PLS WaTCH this AWESOME movie@!!
it's super funny
HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by La Fern at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
What The Hell?!
Today is the 13th and on a Friday...
it is said to be a very unlucky day..
and guess what?
IT IS~!!!!!
firstly..i forgotten to bring my Sej pembetulan that i did till 12 am..
Seconly..during BC Pn Chee.. :(.. u'll know what happened later Pn .Chee again.. another bad image of myself!!!!
WTH is going on today??
This is Y i kinda hate Pn.Cheereeeeeeeeeeeeirierijgsijtghsrj!!!
hmm..bc that time..
she discuss with us the exam paper
then all of a sudden..a few students b4 me..
need to read the passage
and then she say who read wrong words then do punishments
then when my turn..
my passage is long
n i actually got 3 words wrong
she didn't hear properly..then say i wrong another
so i did 40 times of up down thing
n the thuing is..
she ask sumone to count for me
scared i cheat..
she doesn't trust me
other ppl do 10 ,20 n nobody count for them
Plus she is very beraat sebelah one..
she ar..
those good ,smart students leh..then very berat sebelah. wan..
true u noe..
mine ar..need ppl to count + she gave me 40 times!!!
then ar..miushan got one mistake but
then she berat sebelah ..
she say ppl used to pronouce it like that so it's not miushans fault!!!
stupid la..
n then she don't need to do punishment..
(sry's about Pn.Cherererereree not u..but got ur name )
another example of her berat sebelah-ness is to ....
Samuel the monitor..
he read so many pinyin mistake ..
n she berat sebelah
n u noe what she said?!
she say it is onli pinyin errors
nvm wan..
FUCK her lar..(oops)(neh..)
My godd~!
I oso pinyin mistakes wat!
stupid ass hole..
made me do 40 times..
but then Samuel oso need to do punishments
but only 20 times
n she say..
count by urself la..
hello?~ as if my counting very the bad..
dun trust me then say so lar..
dun need to show until like that..
so what if i cheat in counting or what?? huh???!
must go jail izzit.?
she so damn hateful..that's y 3Sp ppl hate her like hell..
the 3rd example is...
tsie shuen..she kinda berat sebelah on her
cuz PN,cerererererereeererer marked her sejarah paper very very wrongly
be ashamed of urself ur damn stupid CHEEEEEEEEEERERERERERR
shuen's marks is supposed to be 73 which is a B
n she left out 20 questions n turned out to be 40 marks which is a D
n shuen cried when she got D..then she go let teacher count again after discussing..
n then shuen read one wrong word
but she don't care
like nothing ever happen
shit her la..
and then waht happened during erm..Sej is
suddenly got fire drill thingi
right timing
cuz i didn't bring my sej latihan
n Azri didn't finish
and ryan too..
+ sharma
so we so happy
then u noe what
got the demonstration
n all..
but then so fast then go back to class
then teacher teach a little bit.
then by the time she's finish
Miushan had********** to tell PN cheeeerererere who haven't pass up hw
shit la
then must stand up
she say me new face
now i give her bad image
i want to quit the chinese dance thing liao!! i dun care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she a bitch! sry..i'm really angry!!!
when she ask who want to join cuz not enough ppl
no one wants u inside who wants wor..
Posted by La Fern at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
I ♥ Muffins toooooo
right..i forgotten to blog about this earlier bcuz it was really late at night le..
anyway..that day..thursday
after making Sushi...
after dinner,
we made muffins!!
it's all the powder mixed already..
just need to add 135 g of Oil, 175g of eggs and 100ml of water
and then put into the paper thingi
then put in the oven
wuite simple but fun
I ♥ Chocolate!!!!
the muffin turned out really good..
must eat more
for this holiday..
i stayed up until 11.30pm at least
cuz i just love the show Life with Derek
it's not cartoon
but it's in nickelodeon...
but it's great
teen nick.. ya har...
it's true
and woke up really really late
the latest was like 10.30 am.
i haven't finish my school + tuition hw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Posted by La Fern at 10:58 PM 0 comments
The new animation movie♫

lovely group pic

Posted by La Fern at 1:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
♥ Sushi ♥
Posted by La Fern at 2:29 AM 0 comments