♥OMG ♥
anyway.. earlier this afternoon..my mum brought me n my bro ( since we're the only ones )
to Tesco..
first we went for lunch in Pizza Hut♥ ..
ate a lot..
~ mushroom soup ~
~ cheese sticks ~
~ nachos ??~
~ Pepsi ~
~ pizza x 2 ~
total***** RM19.90
then went up to tesco..
made my bro to register for that drawing thing **Free**
but it starts at 3pm..so we went to shop
shoppie..bought alot of stuff
my bro so damn annoying..
my mum complain that she can't shop in peace
anyway.. it's crowded in tesco!!!!!!!!!!!!
then went it's 2.55pm...my mum ask me to walk my bro to that place..
n that♥Oistein Kristiansen guy ..not there yet..
so i went back into tesco..
my mum say at last..
shop shop shop everything.. then went to the counter to pay money $$
u noe wat?!
and then we went to the place n that Oistein guy ..was really there!!
( not a big fan but he's there.)
thatt guy that do all those handi crafts in Nickelodeon.. yada yada..bald (so bad la me )
my bro had a blast
he got his drawing thing
4 volumes of drawing stuffs
1st bk - cows ( he must really like them )
2nd bk - wild animal ( ya i bought it )
3rdbk - monsters ( my bro took it which makes me wonder what is it for that he wants that volume..)
4thbk - robbots.
well got his autograph..
n he wrote my name in it..
more sincere
he wrote my name so big
n my bro's so small
he say he berat sebelah
then went to living cabin.. actually i wanted to buy sumthing
but can't find anything nice..
such a waste
then went back..
now got a head ache..
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
Saturday, May 31, 2008
haha~ Oiatein ~
Posted by La Fern at 3:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
Posted by La Fern at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
pics of HANGOUT

but most probably slight dimple gua..
haha//the machine
oops say.. still waiting for the tokens..
ya..then walked around then back..missed the bowling
got back and took pics
our hangi outi pics
plus our movie
with the frame.. i found it in ahem
blur one..
lolli XD
luvs..i'm always at the back hehe..

Posted by La Fern at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Fun Fun Fun Hangout~!
such a fun hangout
last mon
me shuen ster ting
for the story ..
pls go to www.music-ecstasy.blogspot.com
i'll be responsible for the pictures.
pls n tq
Posted by La Fern at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
yup..holidays are here!!! what should i do during this valuable two weeks holiday??
there's a lot of things that i can do..
- hangout (which is what I'm gonna do )
- sleep (i do that everyday)
- online (weeeeeeeeeee)
- exercise ( evening?? cuz i can't wake up early )
- tvtvtvtvtvtvtvtvtv ( duh~ )
- movie (yup~ when i go hangout )
- bowling (during hangout)
- dreamworld ( yupidiii yup )
- ice skating (yup!! maybe taking lessons again which is way totally fun)
- practise piano ( exams coming )
- practise violin ( panic moment )
- go on trips ( i want to relax!!!!!! )
- Genting ( game games fun! )
- Cameron ( cool fresh air + my sweet corn !! )
- My stupid hw..( must do duh )
- go for extra tuition ( yeah right )
- Study for my next exams ( as if I'm gonna waste my holidays doing that)
- sms all day ( gonna have blisters on thumb )
- saloon ( yup..gonna trim my front hair wor )
- art and craft ( i luv those but usually those they do aren't really interesting )
- camp ( maybe but NEH..not this time? )
- party!! ( not any coming up )
- SHopping !!!!!!! ( i can smell cash running away..)
- spending time wif my family?? ( wt?? how can i when not all is always there?)
- blog (i'm doing it now
- frenster ( yup..doing it now.)
Posted by La Fern at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Teacher's Day
teacher's day is today..i performed the singing thing only.phew.try to sing sweetly. but i think can la.
b4 all the performances..
there's the teacher's tele-match by miss Wendy ( a great teacher..admire her teaching )
the teacher's were like so excited.it's like their so childish . really..they started jumping .sakais. fun.proved themselves. like Pn.W..
i support the 2nd group.which includes my both form teachers Pn.J n Pn. Zeeeee!! n plus Pn . Wong! lolli~
the performances were great!! especially the shuffle dance ( got 3 malays n 2 chinese) they did super awesomely fasinating maarvelouslly great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
b cuz of their superb performances...they have to do the performance again!!! encore at the end of the ceremony!!! everyone was so excited. i watched it yesterday once n today twice
i also like the other shuffle dance group.( all chinese) they are awesome too..they did alot of breakdance moves. i love the part where they did the hand stand and jumpi jumpi jumpi but not when that *penagih dadah*'s clothes eew ew ewe ew ewe ew..it got upsidedown n when up to his head..can see his ribs!!! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!
plus that so called by esther fatty...was good. lol.the other 2 are okay okay la..
our performance was great!! they cheered!! alhough malays..fake wan la.. i saw amaa yawned even b4 we finished the first part@!! ugh..but can't blame her..she malay mah..dun understand//\\
haiz..lazy/..so tired la..so sleepy but still blogging!
i'm a fan!!
hope ster writes abt this so that i dun have to write a lot
Posted by La Fern at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Worst day of my whole entire life !!!
Today..22nd of May 2008. i'll remember this day.worse day of my life. dun even consider other days.
ok..long story to spill. but still gonna write it out.
it all started when...
which mean we didn't have time to do that niu zai thing.ugh...
Posted by La Fern at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
New car
Posted by La Fern at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Annoying little brats
Posted by La Fern at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Guests from China
Yesterday night..my father told me that there might be some visitors going to stay a ight in our house..
we got so freaked out cuz they say they're from CHINA
their name starts with YEE too..
soo ..we're like kinda related..somehow..
they brought nine BAGS of tea from china..
ya..they went to genting..*weird*
visited their relatives..
aarrrr ntg to say
Posted by La Fern at 10:59 PM 0 comments
didn't expect that
Posted by La Fern at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
Posted by La Fern at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
Posted by La Fern at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
Stressed again
UGH~ y must we have all this stress..we're just only 14 years old lar..
teachers are MaD~! jkjk
they give so much hw these days!
folio, projek, kerja kursus ( i think it all means the same )
ccan't stand it..wanted to sleep but no time
actually got but thought of onlining to RELEASE STRESS~~~~~~~
now doing folio..
exams coming!!
my results became worse n worse
mayb bcuz i sit with some of those who usually don't pass up their work..
ya..i sit with three different races ( not racist just saying)
azri ,wai leong n sharma ( if sharma exchange place with arina, which he usually does during sejarah)
OMG~ gonna be last in every subject le..i'm afraid of my damn maths
cuz it used to be good
but this year's teacher's teaching is damn weird
i'm gonna be DEAD`'`'`'`'`'
i can feel the panick and stress all over me... noooooo
still i like ms W's teaching
haiz..back to work.
Posted by La Fern at 1:38 AM 0 comments